Author: Optimising IT

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GDPR fines for SMEs
Cyber Security

GDPR Fines for Small Businesses

May 2018 saw the European Union adopt a new set of data protection laws called the General Data Protection Regulation — now ominously known as the GDPR. Since its inception, the UK government body responsible for cracking down on GDPR breaches, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), has been busy.

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Supply chain cyber attacks, data rich organisations beware
Cyber Security

Supply Chain Cyber Attacks

With regulation authorities focusing on operational resilience, it’s never been more important for organisations to demonstrate how quickly they can recover from operational disruption. Even if your business is well protected from Cyber-attacks the same can’t always be said for your suppliers. Discover our top 4 tips for a robust supplier management strategy and how to manage Cyber risk to improve Cyber resilience documented in the Allianz 2020 Business Risk Barometer.

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Are you underestimating your Shadow IT problem?
Cyber Security

What Is Shadow IT?

What exactly is Shadow IT? Shadow IT is hardware or software that is predominately cloud-based and used by staff without IT’s knowledge, with no testing or approval given by IT or compliance.

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Computer code on a screen with a skull representing a computer virus / malware attack
Client Consultancy

How the Solorigate Cyber Attack Could Have Been Prevented

The compromise of the Solarwinds Orion monitoring platform is no doubt, one of the most impactful Cyber Attacks ever – not because it caused any disruption or encrypted any data, but because it involved the compromise of software source code from a reputable company and went un-noticed for what is, in cyber terms, a very long time. 

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Sending encrypted E-Mail protection secure mail internet symbol blue computer keyboard
Cyber Security

The Growing Threat of Email Hijacking

We asked Todd Gifford, our resident Information Security expert, for his take on the risks posed to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) from email system hijacking (Otherwise known as Business Email Compromise). Here’s what he had to say on this growing security threat:

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Protecting information in mobile devices. Hacking mobile devices by hackers. Data protection in the cloud.
Cyber Security

Mobile Device Management Security

There are increasingly new ways to work “mobile”, especially as remote working is on the rise. So what precautions should you take to protect your data? We explain where you may find your devices vulnerable and how to prevent risks to your security.

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Microsoft Power BI logo shown by apple pencil on the iPad Pro tablet screen. Man using application on the tablet
Cyber Security

The Beginners Guide: What Is Microsoft Power BI?

This beginners guide will give you all the information necessary to understand the basics of business intelligence and how it works. We’ll also define what Microsoft Power BI is and explain how Optimising IT’s team of experts can help you make the most of it. Let’s dive in!

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