Privacy Policy

Optimising IT takes data privacy seriously, and as such we’ll be open with you about what data we collect and how we use it. We collect and use personal data for a range of reasons during the course of our business operations, including data needed to fulfil our contractual obligations as outlined in the rest of this policy. Should you have any questions about this policy or how we use data, please contact us on +44 (0)1242 505470 or at [email protected]

Why we collect your information and what we use it for

We collect personal information about you in order to carry our activities as a business in the context of providing services to your organisation as requested and for contacting you in response to queries and requests for information. Our legal reasons for processing data are based on our legitimate interests, fulfilling a contractual obligation or legal obligation where applicable.

What data we collect

We collect some personal information about you in the context of delivering business related services. Details include your name, work telephone numbers, work email address. As part of our services to your business, we already have all of your business office addresses. We may occasionally request other address details from you for the purposes of delivering equipment or attending site for support purposes.

Where your data will be stored

Your personal information will be stored on servers located in the UK and EEA, in email located within the EEA, Switzerland and Finland, and where you request it, other locations of your choosing, to be agreed if and when required. Optimising IT will always store data in line with the requirements of relevant UK data protection law.

Who we share data with

We use a range of suppliers to provide services to your business. These largely consist of our cloud platform providers, but also can occasionally include the use of couriers and delivery companies for equipment deliveries. We sometimes also share name and address information with third parties, for things like hardware maintenance in the course of fulfilling our contractual obligations with your organisation. Data is only shared with third parties if required and is never shared or sold to other organisations for the purposes of marketing, profiling or other uses.

Our website

Any data sent to us via this website will pass through systems operated by our website hosting partner, which is located in the UK. No personal data is stored on the website, with any contact details submitted removed once they have been transmitted to us. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your computer that help us understand how you use our website. Most web browsers will allow you to disallow cookies if you wish, and you can choose not to accept them on our website.

Social Media

We use linkedin for promoting our organisation. Whilst we are not responsible for data privacy at Linkedin, we think it’s only right to point out that Linkedin may use your data in certain ways. The Linkedin privacy policy can be found here.

Your rights

Under data protection law, you as an individual have specific rights which are highlighted below:

Your Rights

How we demonstrate our commitment to upholding these rights

The right to be informed – we have to tell you all about our use of your data and your data rights

We have produced this privacy statement which we present to you at point of our first contact and is available in our website

The right of access – you have the right to access any of your personal information that we hold, and verify that we are processing it lawfully

You can get in touch with us using the contact details on this form if you would like to know how we manage your information and if you would like to see the information we hold about you

The right of rectification – you have the right to have any inaccurate or incomplete information about you rectified

If you spot something wrong, please let us know – we won’t be able to get in touch with you if we don’t have your correct contact details

The right to erasure – you can request that your personal data is deleted, if there is no compelling reason for it to be kept

We’d love to keep in touch forever, as your organisation will always need quality IT and security support. We’ll only ever contact you because you have asked us to. We do however appreciate that you may not want to keep in touch with us forever. We’ll remove your details after 5 years if we don’t hear from you. Under some circumstances, we may not be able to remove your data, for example for legal reasons. If that’s the case, we’ll let you know.

The right to restricted processing – you can request that your data is still stored, but no longer processed

For us, we’ll only keep your data if you’re an active customer and in line with our other legal requirements and our data retention policy. We don’t carry out automated decisioning, and you can contact us at any time to ask to be removed from any contact or processing. If you work directly for one of our business customers, you’ll need to speak with your employer about how they are processing your data. If you do as to restrict our processing of your data, we’ll probably ask why, so we can improve our service.

The right to data portability – you can request a copy of your data in a digital format so it can be sent to another organisation

You may wish to have a copy of your data. Likely if you work for one of our customers, you’ll need to request a copy of the data through them. If you don’t currently work for one of our customers and have attended an event or contacted us via telephone or website, we can provide a copy of your personal data in a suitable format, likely to be either a CSV file or PDF. We’ll need to verify you are the owner of that data first of course.

The right to object – you can object to your data being processed in certain ways

We don’t process your data in any way other than described in this privacy statement, as such it isn’t likely that you would want to object, or we won’t be able to help you improve and maintain the high service standards you have come to expect from Optimising IT.

The right to object to automated decision making and profiling

Just so you know, we don’t use automated decision making and we won’t profile you in any way.

What to do in case of an issue

Whilst we strive to always protect the privacy of your data, there may come a time when things don’t go quite right with the data we hold about you or the way in which we use it. If that happens, you can get in touch with the ICO who will be able to help.