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Category: Cyber Security

We love blogging about Cyber Security, take a look through the posts below and feel free to comment and share!
Blog posts
Cyber Security

Is My Hard Drive Encrypted?

Isn’t it surprising that given the existence of a universally adopted security specification, such a vulnerability makes its way through many disk varieties from different vendors? Here at Optimising IT, we break down the security issues related to hard drive encryption.

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Supply Chain Risk
Cyber Security

How to Reduce Supply Chain Risk

Optimising IT has carried out over 30 Information Security Reviews for suppliers to our customers this year. As a result, we have made previously unknown and unimagined risks visible to our customers. Our comprehensive Information Security Review highlights the risk areas and offers advice on reducing such risk, giving it real value.

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Supply Chain Cyber Security
Cyber Security

Is There a Weak Link in Your Supply Chain?

Cyber Essentials should be your minimum threshold for any supplier. Any supplier handling or processing card payments on your behalf should implement the appropriate level of PCI DSS. Our Cyber-security team is helping an increasing number of organisations, by providing independent supplier security reviews and ongoing supplier management using our proven framework.

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