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Category: Cyber Security

We love blogging about Client Consultancy, Cloud Services, Cyber Security, OIT Events, OIT Updates, take a look through the posts below and feel free to comment and share!
Blog posts
Whiteboard Workshop
Client Consultancy

The Modern Desktop whiteboard workshop

Optimising IT’s Head of Consultancy, Todd Gifford (CISSP), will be hosting an exclusive, interactive whiteboard workshop focussing on the modern desktop; an intelligent solution that includes Office 365, Windows 10, enterprise mobility and security to help transform every aspect of your organisation.

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Cyber Training
Cyber Security

Are you a risk taker?

we have developed our Practical Cyber workshops to allow business leaders to better understand the level of risk they are exposed to, ask the right questions and subsequently make informed decisions about how known risks will be treated. Prevention is better than cure. Our advice is to be proactive and not hold off determining your current level of risk in cyber.

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Cyber Security

If you think training is expensive…

How does user training help? In much the same way as teaching someone to ride a bike, with safety gear, in a managed environment will help someone gain the skills and confidence needed to tackle the downhill.

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Cyber-security Event
Cyber Security

Cyber-security workshop

A morning workshop on cyber-security with Optimising IT & SW Regional Cyber Crime Unit Tuesday 12th March 2019 / 8.30am – 11am Gloucestershire County Cricket

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