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We love blogging about Managed IT Services, take a look through the posts below and feel free to comment and share!
Blog posts
a meeting with laptops

Managed IT services

Not getting what you need from your IT systems? Worried about cyber threats, technology inefficiencies, wasted opportunities and recurring faults?

Discover flexible and scalable IT solutions that promise cost-effective answers to your IT problems. Optimising IT handles your IT for you.

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From consultancy, staff training and system upgrades to cyber security testing, network compliance checks and much more, our award-winning, accredited and certified IT support service experts are ready to help you overcome your IT challenges.

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10 reasons why we are setting the bar for msp standards
Client Consultancy

The Best Managed IT Services

This blog posted is aimed at IT Managers, Heads of IT, IT Directors and other senior leaders with responsibility for IT.  Whilst there is some technical content, this isn’t a technical post and is designed to prompt thought and discussion with your IT teams and partners about the future direction of IT within your organisation.

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What to do when you can't patch part 2 banenr image
Client Consultancy

Patch Problems: How to Solve Network Patching Issues

This is the second in a series of blog posts about techniques you can use when you just can’t patch a particular device or system. The posts are aimed at a ‘technical’ audience, but won’t go into lots of deep technical details, mostly as depending on your particular situation, device or system use and context, the details will likely vary.

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What to do when you cant patch your devices or systems
Client Consultancy

What to do when you can’t patch

This is the first in a series of blog posts about techniques you can use when you just can’t patch a particular device or system. We’ll focus on some high and mid-level techniques you can use that can be adapted for your requirements.

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